Goldilocks and the Three Bears is the sixth episode in the first season.
Whyatt accidentally messes up Jack's room and is in BIG trouble with his big brother! The Super Readers pay a storybook visit to Goldilocks and the Three Bears and find Goldilocks surrounded by three broken chairs, three bowls of porridge and three times the mess! How will they solve this problem before the bears get home?
Whyatt shows his audience Whyatt’s brother Jack's room, unaware that Whyatt messing up Jack's room in the process. Soon, Jack finds Whyatt in his room and is not amused that his room is in disarray. Angry with him, However, Jack orders Whyatt out of his room. Whyatt feels terrible about messing up Jack's room and wants to know what to know how to make to fix things with Jack.
In the meantime, Goldilocks leaves one disaster after another in Three Bear's House. How will the three bears react when they come home? And will Goldilocks repair the damages and keep the three bears from being too upset?
Super Reader Needed[]
- Woofster to define the word disaster
Alpha Pig - Using his Mega magnified glass to spell the word “Chair”.
- Wonder Red - Changing “Chairs” to “Stairs”.
- Super Why - Changing "Sleeps" to "Snores" wrong and to "Jumps" the right way.
- In this episode, Jack gets grumpy, just like Peter Piper in Hansel and Gretel, after Red took one of his peppers without asking. This will happen again later in The Nutcracker, where Sleeping Beauty feels the same way as them and turns the music off.
- Woofster would have defined the word disaster